If you are having more than one wisdom tooth removed, the tooth you are having removed may take awhile to extract, or there seem to be potential complications, we will put you under general anesthesia for your comfort. If your teeth seem like they would be fairly simple to remove, you may just need a local anesthetic at the site. We can determine anesthesia details when you come in for an evaluation visit for wisdom teeth removal. Anesthesia will prevent discomfort and will allow you to feel sleepy (or to nod off) throughout the procedure.
To remove the wisdom teeth, we will create an incision in the gum tissue above the teeth if they do not break the surface. We will separate the teeth from the bones and tissue surrounding it and remove them one at a time. If the tooth we are accessing is large, we may need to cut it up into smaller pieces for easier removal. Following the removal of the tooth or teeth, we will provide sutures for quicker healing.
Most sutures will be dissolvable, but if necessary, we may need to use some that we will remove a few days later. We will also cover the surgery site with cotton to absorb and stop bleeding directly following the procedure. The procedure will be quick, and the patient will most likely be able to head home directly after the procedure.
Following a wisdom teeth removal, the patient will only need a couple of days to recover. Normally, we will prescribe pain relievers when necessary. The patient will need to follow a few guidelines to speed up the recovery:
These are the basics that you should know about our wisdom teeth removal. When you come into our San Jose dental office for an appointment, we will share any further information as needed. This important surgery will not take long, and you will recover quickly.
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